
I'm more than a little disappointed in our Texas candidates for governor

I don't want for either one of the major party candidates. 
Yesterday they had a report on the radio about one of the candidates. The candidate's first TV ad has come out, and it is an attack ad. This does nothing that makes me want to vote FOR the candidate. It tells me nothing about what the candidate wants to if the candidate becomes governor. It doesn't even tell me anything of real substance about what the candidate is for. All it tells me is that this other candidate did X about 20 years ago, and the people running the ad think that this is a bad thing. My thought is, that was 20 years ago. How many of us have changed our opinions on political matters in that time frame? I'm betting it is almost almost every person who has been an adult for that length of time.
I have not heard or seen the other candidate's first TV ad, so I can't comment on it.
I think this is a symptom of why we have so much dissatisfaction with government now. We do not have candidates running campaigns telling people what they want to do. We have political campaigns telling us how bad the other side is. We are bombarded with messages of how bad and evil the other side is. If it is all true, they are all bad and evil. Why are we continuing to vote for all of these bad and evil people?
The sad thing is, the reason candidates use attack ads is because they work. They make people give in to their fears and vote for a candidate they don't like just to keep the other candidate out of office. This keeps us from looking at other options. "Oh god, I can't vote for a third party candidate! That might let someone from X main party get into office."
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