
Why We Can Not Trust Political Parties


  1. They promise fiscal responsibility, yet they refuse to cut enough programs to actually reduce the debt.
  2. They will happily sell of the infrastructure of the country (Google the Trans-Texas Corridor, Highway 121 in Collin county and port security).
  3. The majority of the Republican candidates for President in 2008 pay only lip service to true individual rights (this includes both the First and Second Amendments).
  4. Their environmental initiatives are more of a governmental welfare program for business special interests.


  1. They are prone to appeasement as a foreign policy
  2. They promise fiscal responsibility, yet refuse to make the hard cuts necessary to reduce
  3. The majority of the Democratic candidates for President in 2008 pay only lip service to true individual rights (this includes both the First and Second Amendments).
  4. Their environmental initiatives do to much damage to the economy for the good it will do. There are options that will often cost the same and willdo less damage to the economy.

Both major parties cater to chosen lobbyists and the extremist wings of the parties. Though, this is due to moderates not voting in primaries. (I plan to vote in the next primaries. Most likely the Republican primary.)

Third parties have little touch with the reality of human nature and take things to further extremes than either major party.

What can moderates do to bring some sanity back to the political process?

  1. Vote in the primaries.
  2. Donate to moderate candidates before and after the primaries.
  3. Volunteer for moderate candidates campaigns.