
Tragedy in Aurora

My reactions to the shooting in Aurora, Colorado.

  1. Could an armed individual have stopped the shooter? Most likely not. There was bad lighting, tear gas, and confusion as people where running for their lives or hiding. Most people do not have the training to deal with this kind of situation. However, this does not mean that it would be impossible for someone with a concealed carry permit to stop him. It just would have been extremely difficult.
  2. Would more gun control have stopped this incident? No. This individual has booby trapped his apartment with so many bombs that they are considering blowing up the building for the safety of everyone.
  3. To many people are trying to use this incident to validate their political agenda:
    1. Some liberals have tried to tie him to the Tea Party and other conservative groups.
    2. Some conservatives have tried to tie him to the Occupy movement and other liberal groups.
    3. Others have tried tieing him to Trekkies, gamers, and just about any other group that is different and they want to turn into scape goats.
  4. This person who did it is evil. It is obvious that he knew what he was doing was wrong. His politics do not matter. His hobbies do not matter. He has a sickness of the soul that made it possible for him to rationalize shooting up a room full of unarmed individuals who had done nothing to anybody.

People need to blame the vile creature who did this. Do not blame politics. Do not blame those who are different. Do not blame inanimate objects. Blame the scumbag who did it. He is the one responsible for his actions and no other.