
This Just Makes Illegal Immigration Opponents Look Bad

Sailor fighting deportation of his wife:

Summary: Sailor marries girl who came to this country under political asylum program with her mother. Six weeks later the mother applies for citizenship for herself and her daughter. Since the daughter is now married, she is ineligible under her mother and is now considered an illegal alien. In June 2007, the sailor’s wife (and mother of his child) is given one year to clean up her immigration status or get out of the country. The executive director of The Center for Immigration Studies says she needs to leave the country.

My opinion: It is one thing if the person has come her illegally in order to work, commit crimes or otherwise defraud the citizens of the USA. However, when a person has come here legally and is made illegal by a minor technicality, we should just work with this person to make them legal. This goes double when you are talking about someone who would be here legally due to other circumstances.