
This is a reason Republicans are losing elections

Rhode Island Governor Vetos Domestic Partners Burial Bill

Summary: A couple had been together for 17 years. They had all the proper paperwork, including a marriage license from a different state. Yet, when one member of the couple died, the state would not let the other member of the couple choose the burial method. It took months of fighting with state officials to fulfill the wishes of the deceased. In response to this, the state assembly chose to pass a law that would prevent such things from happening again. The Republican Governor of Rhode Island vetoed this bill, stating:

“This bill represents a disturbing trend over the past few years of the incremental erosion of the principles surrounding traditional marriage, which is not the preferred way to approach this issue.

“If the General Assembly believes it would like to address the issue of domestic partnerships, it should place the issue on the ballot and let the people of the state of Rhode Island decide.’

The Republican party is concerning itself with issues where nobody is injured. Allowing domestic partners to claim the body of their partners in no way harms marriage. I am sick of the Republican party kowtowing to big business and the religious right.

The Republicans need to go back to being the party of smaller and more controlled government. The past 15 years has seen the party become about controlling others and expanding government authority. When the Republicans had complete control of federal legislation, they expanded the government, increased our debt and did next to nothing to stop the encroachment on our rights (including the Second Amendment). Meanwhile, since the Democrats have come into office, we have actually seen an increase in our Second Amendment rights. At the state level, in Republican race for Texas governor, I am faced with the following choices:

  • The current governor who has voiced support for treason against the USA and tried to sell the state to the highest bidder.
  • One of our current Senators who has voiced support for further restrictions on our Second Amendment rights (along with restrictions on others).
  • A nut job who is calling for secession from the USA.

The Democratic choices are:

  • A former ambassador who has strong support from both Republicans and Democrats.
  • A former agricultural commissioner who has lead the fight to stop the current governor from selling the state to the highest bidder.
  • An entertainer who claims he isn’t a politician, yet sidesteps questions like a bad parody of a politician.

To be honest, the first two Democratic candidates will most likely at least not further restrict my rights, nor shall they try to sell my state out from underneath me.