
Hunters Helping the Hungry

Hunters help food banks meet growing demand

Article summary: Hunters across the country are donating their kills to food banks, after paying for the processing.

My Opinion: Many animal rights/anti-hunting groups do not realize that amount of good hunters do. Aside from the donation of meat to the hungry, they also pay for a large amount of the conservation efforts in this country. Ducks Unlimited (a hunting organization) is a leader in wetlands conservation and restoration. The hunting licenses, tags, special taxes and fees that hunters pay provide the entire budgets of many state agencies in charge of conservation efforts. Hunters, by and large, do not want to see the eradication of species or habitat. Modern hunters realize that increased conservation efforts means the improvement and continued enjoyment of hunting for years to come. Most hunters will tell you that they enjoy the hunts where they were not successful almost as much as the successful hunts.