archeryvideo games

HMMMM…… An Archery Contest?


Vir2L® Studios, a ZeniMax Media company, announced today Medieval Games™  for the Wii™ home video game system from Nintendo. Medieval Games allows you to experience the excitement of days of old with up to three of your friends.

From battling dragons and storming the castle, to catapulting and archery contests, Medieval Games offers hours of fun for the entire family. Choose from a variety of colorful characters, such as the knight, princess, bard, or wizard as you compete in a variety of game modes. Tournaments and jousting await in this rich fantasy world!

Medieval Games is currently under development at N- Fusion Interactive and will be published by Vir2L Studios. Medieval Games has not yet been rated by the ESRB.  For more information, visit

I may have to get myself a Wii game system.
