Pres. 2008

Further Thoughts and Comments on the Upcoming Election

The next President will be an important one. It is estimated that he will be selecting anywhere from 2 to 6 Supreme Court Justices. People need to look deep in their hearts and determine what rights are most important to them. We need to keep in mind that Justices who are freindly to certain interpretations of the constitution (abortion rights) will not necessarily be friendly to others (individual interpretation of the Second Amendment). It is going to be a tough choice.

Also, depending on if a Democrat or a Republican end up in office, we could end up with a single party in control of all three branches of government. I do not see this as a good thing (no matter which party it is).

For the above reasons, I will be voting Republican (let’s hope it is McCain, Huckabee frightens me). Below are my reasons:

  1. With one party in control of congress and another of in control of the Presidency, both will be moderated. This includes nominees for the Supreme Court. These nominees will be less likely to make radical changes to interpretation of the Constitution.
  2. I believe our country is more prosperous when we have split control of government. The late 1990s were very prosperous for our country, and so were the 1980s. At both times, we had split control of the US government.