
Fort Hood Terrorist


It turns out that the perpetrator of the attack on US soldiers at Fort Hood was under investigation for making threatening internet postings and lauding suicide bombers. For some reason, they still hadn’t stepped in and actually investigated anything in 6 months. My theory is that they were afraid to be accused of profiling.

(sarcasm on)
Oh no, we can’t do that. That would be profiling (which never works, don’t you know that?)! If we profiled for such things, they might not vote for the party of inclusion. This just means that the USA must apologize more for being successful and powerful.
(sarcasm off)

I can’t go on, this is just making me sick. If a Christian and/or white soldier had done what this nut had done before he committed this act of terrorism, he would have probably been out on his ass. It is deplorable. I am tired of the double standard where everyone but whites and/or Christians must be treated with kid gloves. Everyone must be treated equally. Be they white, black, red, yellow, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Pagan or Atheist. But, let’s face facts. The biggest threat of terrorism the USA faces today is from Muslim males. If one starts talking about killing infidels and admiring suicide bombers, an investigation needs to happen quickly.

Here is a simple fact, when trying to stop terrorists, profiling helps a great deal. Just ask the Israelis about how well it works. It does not mean searching every male of middle eastern descent. It means you watch them a little more closely for signs of potential terrorist acts (like making threatening postings on the Internet or acting suspiciously).

I know I am coming across to some as bigoted and/or hateful to some. That is not my intent. I am tired of seeing preventable acts of terrorism occur because of fear of appearing to be racist. I am tired of successful investigations being criticized for the same reason. In Dallas, the FBI recently caught a guy who was trying to blow up a building. They gave him every opportunity to back out. And, they did not arrest him until he had sent the detonation signal to the fake bomb. Yet, we have people criticizing the FBI for doing this. They said it was racist to target him and entrapment. I say bullshit. The FBI did an excellent job.