Self Defense

Discussion on The Best Befense

The Best Defense has started a new season. This has inspired me to see if I can get people to discuss the topic they go over this week. This week they went over how to safely answer the door. As always, they showed bad, better, best in their examples. The bad way is to just open the door without checking who is there. The best way is to not open the door if you can tell they are someone you don’t want in while being prepared to call the police and defend yourself if they break in. This involves taking cover away from the door and having access to both a phone and firearm. In the example they gave, the bad guy ran when the person yelled that he had a gun (which is the most likely thing to happen). I do like that they also gave drills related to the scenario for you to practice (if you have a place to practice). To be honest, if you can purchase yourself an airsoft pistol and a target, you could practice the drill in your own home.

I did have a few thoughts on the episode:

What do you do if you can’t tell if the person is a good guy or a bad guy? We often have strangers coming to our door selling items or looking for work. My solution has been to talk/yell through the door.
Do you have a good way to see who is on your porch (not just at your door)? What if they have a buddy hiding around the corner? Can you get a good look through your peep hole/door window? I happen to be lucky/unlucky enough to have a large window at a right angle to door. This gives me a good view of my entire porch and the surrounding area.

What are your thoughts on what I have posted?