
Language Matters

Yesterday, when I got home from work, there was a gentleman on my porch wanting me to pay him to trim the branches of the tree in my front yard. I realize this needs to be done (and done professionally). He had left a business card on my door. However, I don’t think I will be doing business with him. The reason is, I can’t communicate with him. I could tell he was trying to speak English. But, I just couldn’t understand him. Coming to a clear agreement in business transaction can be hard enough without a language barrier being in place. Don’t get me wrong, I respect the fact that he is hard working and trying to run his own business. But, I want to be sure we understand each other when we come to an agreement. Would he understand me when I told him which branches I don’t want cut? Would he be able to to tell me if his business is bonded and insured and who he is insured with?

When I lived in Germany and Saudi Arabia, my entire family made the effort to learn the dominant language of the countries we were in. This was to make things easier for us. It really is in the best interest of those in the USA to learn English. Those who don’t miss opportunities and are taken advantage of because they failed to learn.

BTW, I have had this gentleman leave cards on my door before (for several years). He has had enough time to at least become conversational in English.