
GIP & Socialism

New Icon for use on Live Journal and Why Socialism in Government is Evil

(behind the cut)

Socialism when applied to government results in a new feudal system with most people as serfs belonging to the government and a ruling class as the new aristocracy. The economy suffers due to the increased amount of resources used to keep the aristocracy in power with increased policing and programs to buy off to keep the suffering as low as possible among the serfs. Generally speaking, those who are comfortable are less likely to demand change or rebel.

Under socialism, innovation and upward mobility are also reduced. The ruling aristocracy can not afford to let innovators arise from among the serfs. Also, the resources that make innovation and change possible (education, health care, adequate nutrition, etc.) are more readily available to the ruling aristocracy than they are to the serfs. It is next to impossible for parents in the serving class to provide these resources to their children since the rewards for working smarter and/or harder are vastly reduced and/or removed.

Under socialism, the free exchange of ideas is discouraged and/or punished. Whether it be through outright censorship, hate speech laws, ownership of all media outlets, or “fairness doctrine,” the result is the same. Only the official views or the ruling elite are allowed to be heard. Everything else is punished and/or denigrated.

Under socialism, the use of force and capability of using force is restricted to the government and ruling elite. The serfs are not allowed to possess the means of force. This is to reduce their ability resist the dictates of the government. If one of the lower class uses force to defend themselves from others that threaten (or even use) force, they are punished. They are discouraged from coming to the aid of others. If they are in need of help, they are told to call for governmental aid (“Police”) instead of just yelling “Help!” or “Rape!”

The worst part of socialism is reduction of the importance of the individual. Everything is couched in terms that “group” rights and subservience to the”people.” Allowing an individual to speak their mind harms this “group,” so he must be punished. You must be made to sacrifice your rights (though you have done nothing wrong) for the good of the people. You do not “need” this, so you can not have it. We will take the resources you would have used for that, and give it to someone who does not work (but they will vote for those in power). You must serve the people, you can not choose whether you want to help others are even how you wish to. It must all be approved by those in power.