
Environmentalsim and being a Conservative

Some see being concerned about the environment and being a conservative as opposites. I beg to differ with these people. There is a good reason that part of environmentalism is conservation. It is just that conservatives approach this from a different angle. If you want to preserve land (for wildlife or any other reason) you must pay a good price to the current owner. If you want alternative forms of energy, they must be logical. The amount of energy and money that goes into producing and maintaining this alternative form of energy must equal or better what comes out. Also, the pollution generated by the alternative form of energy must be less than the method it is replacing. This is the reason so many conservatives have a problem with ethanol. It causes more pollution per mile and drives up the cost of both fuel and food. This is also the reason conservatives love nuclear power. It causes much less pollution than other forms of electrical generation. This is especially true if we reprocess the fuel like the French do. A modern nuclear power plant is safe, clean and very efficient. I would happily have one in my backyard.

Let’s look at some other ways conservatives can be environmentalists:

  1. Re-use grocery bags and/or buy grocery totes – In the long re-usable grocery totes are cheaper and more convenient. The cheap plastic bags from grocery stores are always ripping and spilling my groceries. Re-usable bags don’t do this. Also, if enough people switched to reusable bags, prices might go down or at least take longer to rise.
  2. Recycle – Glass and aluminum recycling from curbside pickup pays off for the environment and postpones communities having to build new landfills. This keeps garbage fees and taxes lower.
  3. Compost food waste – If you have a home, compost as much of your food waste as you can. Again this reduces the amount going into the land fill. Plus, you will not need to buy compost for your landscape/garden.
  4. Combine errands/trips – This reduces wear and tear on your vehicle, gasoline use, and is a more effective use of your time. This saves money, keeps the air cleaner and reduces wear and tear on the roads (another way of reducing the need for taxes).
  5. Go hunting and/or fishing – Responsible gathering of game improves wildlife habitat, and the fees paid go toward maintaining this habitat. Don’t limit yourself to deer. Look at hunting rabbits, squirrels, feral hogs, and other game animals. This will reduce your grocery bills.