
Amusing Chuck Norris Joke

Chuck Norris was on the Glenn Beck show last night. He said something (as a joke) that I would like to see happen:

NORRIS: No, no, no, listen. America is not a democracy. It is a Chuck-tatorship. If that was true ā€” if that was true, I would go to Washington. I’d line up every member of Congress, and I’d have Ron Paul, who’s probably one of the more honest men in Washington ā€” I’d say, “Ron, point out the honest politicians and dishonest politicians.”


BECK: I don’t know.

NORRIS: As we’re walking down the line, he would say, “He’s honest, he’s honest, he’s dishonest.” I would walk up to him and say “You’re fired.” And if he didn’t move immediately, I would choke him unconscious and drag him over to the pile.