New/Old Camera

I was doing some cleaning in my garage and found my father’s old Kodak Retina IIIc. This is a camera he bought in the 1960s while he was stationed in Thailand. It was last used on a trip to Tennessee in the early 1980s. It’s been through hell. I cleaned it up as best I could, but the shutter button is frozen. After to talking online with people who are Kodak Retina enthusiasts, it looks like my best bet for a good repair Chris Sherlock in New Zealand. With shipping to and from New Zealand, I am looking at about $235 (USA) to get it fixed. I will probably do it after I get my tax return.
I will probably be using it for most, if not all, of my film photography in the future. The question is, do I send the film off to be developed, or develop it myself. If I develop it myself, I will need the equipment for developing and a decent film scanner. If I have someone else do it, I will have to send the film off. I tried a place local to me, and I was not satisfied with the results of the scans. Also, they don’t do black and white film. This will be my primary interest when using film.