Graphic Design and Messages
As some of you know, part of my work involves graphic design. Though this post is not about politics, I will be commenting on both major parties Presidential campaign logos. Those who normally read my thoughts already know my thoughts on both candidates and who I am voting for. This is purely about the graphics. Let’s start with the Obama campaign: This logo makes a great use of color. None of the calors are harsh or strong. There are no sharp, straight lines. The red and white stripes give an impression of rolling farmland. All-in-all it is a big hug for everyone. To me, it says it wants everyone to join in. But, it also communicates a very non-confrontational approach. I think it is a well made logo that communicates the values of the Obama campaign well. Now, let’s look at the McCain campaign logo:
What are your impressions? Here are mine. First, I don’t find it that inspiring. It is gives an impression of being more about the candidates than the voters or why the candidates are running. It is also a harsher and more confrontational graphic. The light shining up on the candidate names gives a more egotistical impression. This logo in my opinion is one factor holding the campaign back. One last thing. I found the difficulty in getting a copy of the logo from the McCain website also a big mistake. The Obama site had a long list of graphics in many formats available for download. This shows a distinct lack of internet media savviness by the McCain campaign. I ended up getting the logo image from a McCain campaign merchandise store.